ANZAC Dawn Service 2016 Photos posted
Check out the photos at:
ANZAC Dawn Service 2016 – Eudunda – (Hosted on Google Photos)

Check out the photos at:
ANZAC Dawn Service 2016 – Eudunda – (Hosted on Google Photos)
Residents assembled at the Eudunda War Memorial Gardens for the 11:00am Service on the 11th November 2024 for Remembrance Day in a solid show of respect. The service was very well attended this year, with representatives of many local organisation and individuals coming together to remember the significance of Armistice Day marking the End of…
If you haven’t had a chance to read the newsletter from our local Federal Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey MP click to link below to read the PDF. The newsletter is very informative, covering the tradition of ANZAC and all the theatres of war, with emphasis on service men and women from the Grey region….
All Residents and Visitors welcome to attend the Eudunda’s Remembrance Day Service At the Eudunda Oval – as part of the Eudunda Show which is the same day. This is a special part of the Eudunda Show, with the whole of show stopping at 10:50am so that people can attend at the marquee on the…
Friday 8th November is “Badge Day” with Poppy Badges and other Collectibles available from the Eudunda RSL members, as they set up outside the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery in Bruce Street Eudunda. Come, stop and have a chat and to buy a badge or one of our other items to help support the RSL.
On 2nd November 1942, the Australian forces returned permanently, to recapture Kokoda. By Parer, Damien Peter – This image is available from the Collection Database of the Australian War Memorial under the ID Number: 013289 This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing…
Sunday 14th May 2017 12 Noon for 12:30 start A great way to celebrate Mother’s Day is to take her out to Lunch. The Eudunda RSL Mother’s Day Lunch is always a very popular venue, Great food and a very good price of $15 per person, No need to book. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY