Eudunda RSL’s Vietnam Vets Celebrate 50th Anniversary – End Of Australian Involvement In Vietnam War

Friday evening is a time for all our RSL members and visitors to gather at the Eudunda RSL Rooms for a regular social gathering.
On Friday 18th August this gathering had a significant meaning for all and especially for some of our members as today mark the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
Eudunda and District saw a fair few ‘local boys’ serve in Vietnam. Today we honour their service to our Country and say “Thank You”.
Sharing a drink for their mates, the friendships they formed and the memories of that time were John Stephens (Eudunda RSL President), George Xanthould and Geoff Hansen.
Throughout the year, Australians will be encouraged to honour and remember the service of some 60,000 Austalian men and women (Army, Navy & Airforce) served in the 10 years that Australia was involved in the Vietnam War and their families. Tragically, 523 Australians lost their lives in the war, and over 3,000 were wounded as a result of their service through the war.
Throughout the year, Australians will be encouraged to honour and remember the service of some 60,000 Australian men and women who served in the Vietnam War and their families. Tragically, 523 Australians lost their lives in the war, and over 3,000 were wounded.
There are some 35 thousand Vietnam Veterans with us today, many having physical and emotional scars that have resulted.
All who served are now over 70 years old and mostly getting the recognition and appreciation they deserve for their service to our Country so long ago.
The below video is of the National Commemorative Service on the 18th August 2023
as broadcast by the ABC TV. If you have time – it is well worth watching.
Australia’s Vietnam: 50th Anniversary 🎖️ | OFFICIAL BROADCAST | ABC Australia
Vietnam War commemorative medallion and certificate:
Any Australian veteran who served in the Vietnam War. Additionally, a widow or a family member of an Australian veteran who served is also eligible to apply.
Click here to find out more…
Thanks to Bob Dabrowski for the top photo.