Eudunda RSL Members Commemorate ANZAC Dawn Service in Social Isolation 2020
ANZAC Dawn Service Eudunda 25th April 2020.
Predawn, the sound of a lone Bagpipe could be heard a full kilometre away, right across the township of Eudunda, heralding in the Eudunda RSL Members defiant and valiant effort to commemorate ANZAC Day and carry on a fine tradition, to remember the Fallen in all theaters of war, of mates and sacrifice.

Let it be recorded that the defiant spirit of Australians was not broken by the COVID-19 Pandemic this day, across Australia and especially here at Eudunda.
With the Nation still in ‘lock-down’ in its own ‘full on’ battle, with every person in Australia involved, as we work to reduce the spread of the virus, word got out, that there were ways to play our part in this special day.
The scheme to stand on the kerbside and light a candle, and reflect on the significance of the day was hatched under the plan of Light Up The Dawn with Our ANZAC Spirit and the word spread with enthusiasm.
“Light Up The Dawn with Our ANZAC Spirit”.
It was indeed heartening to see our residents have so much respect for the significance of the day that even though they were not able to attend the normal ANZAC Dawn Service, they stood defiant, proud and respectful here in Eudunda on the roadsides. Some stood with candles’ some not, some draped the Australian flag from fences and balconies. We now see on the news, that this was the case right around Australia.
A short service by Eudunda RSL Members was held at the Eudunda War Memorial, and with some great luck the morning was so perfectly still, not even a breeze, that the loud speakers were turned up high, and were able to radiate out into the streets of Eudunda, the sounds of the service for those on the streets to hear.
Well done on the Eudunda RSL Members for making a great effort to help all those in the town to feel included and part of this action. It; this day will be one for all those who took part a special day in our memories as the ANZAC Spirit Lives On.
Let it not be forgotten that the need for Social Distancing has been one of Australia’s great weapons in its fight for keeping the COVID-19 virus from spreading too quickly, so we, all of us should not relax now. Winter is coming.