Eudunda RSL Christmas Luncheon 12th Dec 2021

Saturday 11 November 2023 At 11am on 11th November, Remembrance Day 2023 the community met at the Eudunda War Memorial to honour the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the many world conflicts. Floral Tributes were laid in rememberance of the fallen. The community were then invited back to the Eudunda RSL…
ANZAC Services – In the region Eudunda Dawn Service – 6:15am Robertstown – 9:30am The Eudunda Dawn Service is always well attended and everyone is welcome to come. After the service, there will be a march by service personnel and volunteers from the Eudunda War Memorial to the Eudunda RSL Rooms. Refreshments will be available at the…
ANZAC Services – In the region Eudunda Dawn Service – 6:15am Robertstown – 9:30am The Eudunda Dawn Service is always well attended and everyone is welcome to come. After the service, there will be a march by service personnel and volunteers from the Eudunda War Memorial to the Eudunda RSL Rooms. Refreshments will be available at the…
Check out the photos at: Remembrance Day Service 2016 – Eudunda – (Hosted on Google Photos)
If you haven’t had a chance to read the newsletter from our local Federal Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey MP click to link below to read the PDF. The newsletter is very informative, covering the tradition of ANZAC and all the theatres of war, with emphasis on service men and women from the Grey region….
ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudundaat the Eudunda War MemorialGunn Street, Eudunda6:15am for 6:30am ServiceIt is hoped that the Traditional Eudunda Dawn Service will be on this year.All WelcomeThis year it is also hoped that the traditional Parade down to the RSL Clubwill be on againas well as light refreshments at the clubrooms Note that there…