Remembrance Day Service 2016 Photos posted
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Remembrance Day Service 2016 – Eudunda – (Hosted on Google Photos)

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Remembrance Day Service 2016 – Eudunda – (Hosted on Google Photos)
A quiet and somber crowd started to gather at the Eudunda War Memorial in the twilight of dawn, ready for the start of the annual ANZAC service. Approximately 170 people came from across the region and many local organisations were represented including a large contingent from the Eudunda CFS who attended in full uniform. The…
Eudunda Area School scholar Jack Schiller was awarded the RSL Scholarship 2022 for being a diligent scholar of excellent merit at thier presentation night. Eudunda RSL representative Andy Reimekasten proudly presented the RSL Scholarship 2022 to Jack Schiller at the Eudunda Area School Presentation Night.
A small gathering of residents, including school children assembled at 11am on September 11th 2015 to commemorate “Remembrance Day” at the Eudunda War Memorial. The proceedings were a short Service, hymns and wreath laying in memory of those who sacrificed so much so that Australian’s could live in a free country. The Australian War Memorial has a…
ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudunda at the Eudunda War Memorial Gunn Street, Eudunda 6:15am The Traditional Eudunda Dawn Service will be on this year. All Welcome Note that there will be COVID sign-in (QR Code and paper forms) and everyone is reminded to maintain “Social Distancing”. The main change from tradition is that there will…
ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudundaat the Eudunda War MemorialGunn Street, Eudunda6:15am for 6:30am Service Traditional Eudunda Dawn Service will be on this year.All WelcomeAfter the ServiceAll Medal Wearer’s & Service Personnel join the traditional Parade down to the RSL Clubrooms.All Welcome to join in light refreshments and time to chat at the clubrooms.
Air Force 2021 Centenary Our Journey From our modest beginnings in 1921, Air Force has grown into a potent, world class Air Force which Australia relies upon in both conflict and peace. The men and women of the Royal Australian Air Force have achieved great success in serving Australia and its national interests over the past…