2017 Remembrance Day at Eudunda Nov 11th
All Residents and Visitors welcome to attend the Eudunda War Memorial for the short ceremony to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Pause to remember those who sacrificed so much for your freedom and peace.
Assemble at 10:45am. 1 Minutes silence at 11am.
A light refreshments and bar open at the Eudunda RSL Rooms after the ceremony.
Note: There will also be a Remembrance Day Ceremony At the Robertstown War Memorial at 11am

In 2017, 11 November marks the 99th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11 am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
Remembrance Day tradition
Why is this day special to Australians?